Have you ever heard about the Sex Down South Conference? It just took place in Atlanta, GA at the Sheraton downtown from September 6 -9th. IT WAS PHENOMENAL! Foremost it is a space for POC who seemed to be as queer as me and completely open to what the weekend was sure to hold. I was so excited to be surrounded by so many people that looked like me and were in the field or interested in sex education. The workshops were so good and so fulfilling. The workshop that I delivered was called Give Your Orgasm a Voice. I spoke about the A, C, P, G, V, Deep, Cul de Sac and of course clitoral orgasms. We talked about how you can build multiple orgasms by understanding where in the vagina these areas are. My passion area. Orgasms. I absolutely loved the conversation we had. While the audience was mostly vagina owners, there were a few penis owners, and I was so glad to see them. I am always pleased to have penis owners who play with vaginas, in my vaginal orgasm courses. I feel like I am sneaky them knowledge that will make them better lovers.
The workshops where layered so I missed a few that I wanted to attend based on the title, I really wanted to attend but I got really interested in the one I was sitting in. The other workshops were stella I hear. Unbelievable movement in Perele Noire, a black burlesque icon’s workshop. She has performed this workshop all over the Country. Yes, I was moving on my recently replaced knee with so much freedom in my sexuality and the way my body communicated it, that I felt lifted. We danced with permission from our ancestors, and we became present with our seductive selves. Our energy filled the room as we had to moan and grunt out our feelings. Then there was Queen Jaae who delivered on being black and kinky. I really connected with this one because I am developing a workshop on the POC culture of Kink vs. Disapproval, discipline and negativity.
People were walking around naked; vendors were selling the most interesting products of sexual pleasure and education. There where actually three vendors who had created an adult game for date night or party. Games that made it impossible for your mate not to share their truth. I remember looking for adult games that included real black culture issues within relationships and coming up blank. I am proud to have met three game makers. I can’t forget to share the end of the evening. A party called the Little Bang and on Saturday the Big Bang was packed with erotic, sexual entertainment. I witness a full body oil massage where the masseuse used her entire body to slide, drag, hump, and gyrate as she was applying pressure in his muscles. Flipping herself from his head to toe and back again. Totally arousing and stimulating. I have got to be on one end of this type of massage as soon as possible.
I know, I have been word vomiting about this conference, but I truly had the best time, and this is my third year going and my first time presenting. Bookmark ‘sexdownsouth.com’ and follow the journey to next year. Buy your ticket early and be prepared to be challenged and uplifted in the same breath. If you are a sex educator, this is a great conference to be associated with. Watch for their posting calling for proposals and/or vendors. The variety in vendors was also amazing. There weren’t six tables all selling dildos. There where businesses and organizations that represented women studies, black male mental health, HIV erasure, a bookstore brought in sex education, erotica and other books and magazines. Really, there was so much going on. It wasn’t until the last day that I was there that I found in a hallway an aftercare space where you could go in and join a snuggle puddle, lay quietly, or get a back massage.
They even converted two of the conference rooms into a dungeon with the most interesting furniture. A huge cage, X cross, spanking benches, shadow box and a few swings. I liked that everything was portable. I am in the market for portable furniture for my venue. I am telling you; this conference touched my whole life! I got so much from it. Sex Down South proved to be a must attend conference.