Blogs and Articles Written by Debra Shade


Milking has its health benefits and provides a pleasure you won’t forget. Also, it does not change your sexuality.

Hello luvs!!  I hope you had a wonderful July. The year is flying by, and it has been a whirl wind for me.  If you came to #ShadesOasis last month, then you have seen the results of my work.  Oasis is open Thursday thru Saturday, 9p to 3a. We are delivering workshops and hosting parties where individuals can increase their sexual and mental health.  It is important for our bodies to complete the sexual response cycle. If you find yourself alone or with a partner, you can explore your orgasm plan, Follow me on FetLife for updates of events at:

Shade Media is the parent company of Shades Oasis I opened in April and have enjoyed offering the safe space for folks looking to work on their health and wellness.  Opportunities for workshops, demonstrations and practice can make you a better lover and even better, a masturbation master. Coaching individuals through various types of orgasm is a true pleasure of mine.  Because I know about the benefits of oxytocin, serotonin and other endorphins that aid in relaxation, muscle movement, burns calories, lowers heart risk, and head aches, it is important to me to pass this information on and to change the level of orgasms people are having. With pleasure in the forefront of your mind when you are being intimate.


When you are milking an individual, you are stroking the penis born individuals’ prostate glands until release happens. There are two ways to stimulate the prostrate. That is to press your knuckle against the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and the anus. The better way is to reach the prostrate is through the anus. Anal is the act of competing a sexual response cycle by penetrating, thrusting or grinding a penis, toy or other folic in the rectum. This is my topic for Sexy Talk and Play this month.  All you need to know about anal. I hope you tune in and collect all the information you need on the topic.

Find out more information about our events by finding Shades Oasis on Eventbrite and purchase a ticket from the site.–Columbus/shades-oasis/

All the events except the SNPN can be paid via a ticket or at the door. Shades Oasis is a membership, BYOB facility. As the owner, I want you comfortable, safe and entertained. Having your prostrate milked does not make yours homosexual.  The pleasure from a milking can be mind blowing and one of the strongest male orgasms you can experience. You can perform it alone or with a mate.